News Flashes








Saturday Bells 9.30-11, Orchestra11-2pm.  Tuesday Choristers 7.30pm Thursday Young Choristers 7pm,Gregorian 8.30pm   Friday Junior Orchestra 5-6pm



Saturday Programme                                                        

5.00pm             Recorded Bells and Hymn St Cecilia........................

5.30pm              Opening Mass .............................................................

Sunday Programme                                                           

7.45 am              Flashback .......................................................................

8.00 am              Congregation Mass - ...................................................

9.30am               Congregation Mass ......................................................

11.30 am          Chinese Mass..................................................................

SUNDAY AFTERNOON CONCERT                                

1.30 pm             “The Shepherd King” - musical story of David and Goliath

2:15                   Dance of the Tumblers - bells

2:45                  Jonathan, Joshua and Michael Borg - guitar 

3.00 pm             Beethoven

4.00 pm             Orchestral - Kodaly and Kreisler

4.15 pm             Soprano/Trumpet/Organ - Nunc Dimittis (Burgon)

4.20 pm             Flute/Violin Duo - "Nature Boy"

4.30 pm             Junior Rounds

4.40 pm             Orff Christmas Story

6.00    FINAL MASS - Congregation